Hiring Proposal
Full name
Confirmation only
Phone number
Confirmation only
Please provide the first name, last name, and date of birth for each child receiving care from this nanny:
Please list the nanny you wish to hire
Household Duties
Vacuuming, Sweeping
Light housekeeping
Children's Laundry
Light Cooking
Please list the schedule the candidate will be working
Total Hours per week (approximately):
Rate of pay
Is the position offering standard overtime after 40 hours
Pay frequency
Please list start date preferred
Paid vacation will be offered:
Two weeks- one week of each parties choice.
Three weeks- one week of nanny choice, two weeks of family choice.
Not at this time- Summer Placement
Sick Time: Standard paid days with a call in by 9 pm.
Three paid sick days
Five paid sick days
Not at this time - Summer Placement
Please select the Holidays that your family will offer. These would be paid if they fall on a work day.
New Years Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Additional Holidays will be offered
Mileage Reimbursement offered at the standard rate of .67 cents per mile for work expenses
Health Insurance Compensation will be paid towards nannies insurance:
100.00 per Month
150.00 per Month
200.00 per Month
Are there any Allergies you would like noted?
Reviews are being offered
at six months
at one year
Both Six months and One year
Would you ask your nanny to be willing to limit their contact with friends and others in this time of covid?
Please list any COVID precautions you would require of your nanny?
Any other Comments or Notes for us to share?
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