Please provide your full name, this must be the details of the person who will be on contact with the recruiter
Please provide your email address.
Please provide your phone number.
Package Option
Check the packages below:
Follow this link ->
*International employers choose the international package.
Please carefully review the package contents and inclusions before selection. Downgrades are not permitted post-submission. Also, please keep in mind that the placement package does not represent the nanny's salary, as that is a separate agreement between you.
For more information about our international package, please visit
Please select the package
Please provide the required invoice information required and payer's details
Tell us about what you're looking for.
Please select from the options
What is the ideal start date?
e.g. M, T, W 9am-3pm
Please indicate an age range
Please tell us your preferred week schedule.
To ensure compliance, we kindly request that the offered salary meets the minimum wage requirements (R27.58 per ordinary hour) if the employment are within the South African borders. We are unable to proceed with placements unless this condition is met. If you are unsure about the correct salary please make sure you ask the recruiter to assist you.
I accept that The Nanny Movement are not liable for any misunderstandings explained in our terms and conditions
Thank you for registering with The Nanny Movement